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Azzerrrr's Moderator Application.

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Azzerrrr's Moderator Application. Empty Azzerrrr's Moderator Application.

Post by azzerrrr Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:49 am

Steam name: Azzerrrr
In-Game Name/Nickname Azzerrrr
Steam ID[/color]: STEAM_0:1:44706585 Location(Optional): United Kingdom, Wales
Age(14 or Older required): 15 turning 16 next saturday Very Happy
Why do you want to be an moderator?: I wish to become a moderator too really contribute and assist users & new players on the server, I also believe I fit the job due too me playing at the times I play. I play usually (Weekends:8:00AM-11:00PM) (Weekdays: 3:25PM-11:00PM So I will be able too help out a lot and do my duties right!.
Have you had any experience before of moderator?: Certainly, I have not only been playing the game 3,4 years but have had an amazing range of admin & moderator positions through lots of different DarkRP servers (Most I left due to server not being British or server being shut down, got less popular over time)
If you have had experience before tell me about it: This question brings two ideas into my mind, One being How did you get Moderator, What happened or What do I know about DarkRP and commands well I stated how I got mod,admin so I will explain too you the commands. I know practically all the commands too DarkRP most famous ones tend to include: /Ban,/Kick,/mute,/Gag,/freeze,/slay,/ragdoll there is too many for me too name there is also the ulx menu and usually is activated by typing !menu, sometimes that breaks and you will have to go into the console and type 'ulx menu', Anyways my point is I have had a load of experience and certainly deserve moderator! Smile.
Are you an moderator for another community?: Nope, And if I did get moderator to this server all of my time or at least most of my time would be dedicated too the server
How long have you played Garry's Mod for?: A long time. I started playing over a friends house about 5,6 years ago and eventually got the mod itself 3,4 years ago and have been playing since!.
[color=red]Average time on server?: Not much but I know a lot of players I started playing Thursday night (21/02/2013) Smile.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-02-24

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